Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Seed of Hatred has been Planted.

Recently Another fight broke out. Between my cousin (crystal) and I. My brother (Devin) and I were outside just walking around. Well Crystal's dog decided to start yapping. Well that woke crystal and everyone else up. (supposedly) well crystal comes outside and tell all of us to get in the house. Well WE dont listen and then she comes back out screaming. "EVERYONE IS FUCKING UP GET YOUR FUCKING ASS IN THE DAMN HOUSE" , etc. So I go in there and I was like and that screaming helped (talking about the fact she was bitching bout my grandparents sleeping). So she was like Get the fuck out of my room I was like no this isnt your room is grandmaws so she gets up and gets right in my face and starts saying shit. And I scream Get the fuck out of my face or I swear Ill punch you, She was like Punch me come on punch me right in the face, etc. I was like if I punch her I will severly hirt her so I was like screw that and I went to my room (punching the door [look at image] as i walked in).

I know that was childish but I needed to. But basically Im done with her and her fakeness. I have grown up in this small couple hours....

I can say that the seed of hatred has been planting and is now sprouting... She is losing all respect from me.............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I know things are getting rough for you but unfortunately, it's all part of that process that everyone has to go through; "growing up and finding yourself". Things will get harder than this, but you can overcome them with your strength. I believe in you and I know that you will do the right thing for yourself and the situation.

Don't let family spats hold you back, do what you want to do.

Everyone will experience a moment in which they realize that members of their family just don't understand (whether this is a temporary or permanent misunderstanding). I just hope that you keep ties with your cousin still if things go sour, because even though she might not understand exactly what you want to do, it will hurt to lose her.

Don't do what I did, and lose your father because of a fight.

Keep the faith Jake, and things will work out for you. I know you can accomplish what you want accomplished. Be strong.
